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Les Pattes de l’Araignée – book and jazz cd

If you enjoy jazz, painting and poetry , this is for YOU !

Das Kaff and Leatilga are happy to announce the publication of their  jazz cd and book : LES PATTES DE L’ARAIGNEE

Now available for sale by post at the price of 28 euros (not including sending expense), at the Appointment Gallery (when opens) and during the next exhibitions.

Hosting into its heart a cd,  the book opens its pages over paintings accompanied with French poetic prose and jazz music, the whole suggesting a between-the-line story. Improvisation had been the cornerstone of this creation.

For further information, please contact me : leatilga(at)ymail(dot)com

Les Pattes de l'Araignée - livre cd

For the Spider’s legs’ fans and to support the new editing project, here the slideshow of collector objects : badges, stickers et “mark your page” (bookmarks).

Contact : leatilga(at)ymail(dot)com

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